“Look at me. You embarrass me. You embarrass yourself.”
-Cameron, (Terence Howard), from Crash
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In the ABC show Commander-in-Chief, President Mackenzie Allen (a disarmingly serious and believable Geena Davis) sits across from her nominee for attorney general, who is under fire and attempting to resign from the nomination process. He is almost broken by the attacks on his family and media saturation of a single case making him look weak on crime. She says “Welcome to my life.” He decides to stay despite the rife antagonism, and is later confirmed. She won by recruiting a primary opponent to run the treasury, instead of probably unseating, the swing-voting incumbent.
: :
Our independent Executive barely succeeds, only to abate one political crisis after another, life imitates art imitates life on this show. Academy award winner Geena Davis has rookie Golden Globe award for best actress as Mac. CinC has also won EPIC, Inspiration, and Matrix awards, and appears to be still wining them. Numerous nominations make her eligible for next year's accolades, too. Behind the scenes turmoil has been equally as fierce.
: :
ABC has tried to downgrading its potential, by pulling Commander-in-Chief (CinC) from its lineup. It is a bad decision culminating from the basically good idea of this show. Awards are sign of mainstream impact. Winners used to be over--hyped selling points for a show!
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But this has only increased controversy. What better symbol of presence and potential than a woman President? What worse embarrassment than to cancel this show?? Sexy, popular, and attractive to those registered voters who want cast their vote in good conscious, CinC is a show of hopeful service to all Americans, of what the majority moderates want in a leader: neither a Clinton nor Bush be. It is embarassing we have not voted for the best leadership, and that other things distract us from bettering ourselves and the lives of thse we love.
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By no means the only good idea gone bad in the white hot heat, CinC, has strung in stealth, in grayscale, a line of voice between reality and fantasy, a critical path of effects that have defied actual ratings to reach a globally appreciative audience. From its phenomenal harmonic start, the zeitgeist of Cinc is still hums from its 15 seconds of fame. This "grayscaling" is due from overexposure in the media, a black and white marketing too creating its "event," which hasn't faded, is not covered anymore, yet is still there. It has been "grayscaled," lesser, but constant level in the public psyche that still discuss despite media coverage. We don't want it to go away!: :
The rareness of original thought, of truth, and even greatness, makes content almost irrelevant in our computerized formulaic structures of process. Entertainment money trees, made from digital files must fight for audience and exposure to grow. They are gone if they don't grow. Zero sum gains have been thrown to the wayside for pointlessness. What we like and want to watch becomes more complex and expensive. However, with many substitutes freely available on the web, we have fragmented into gangs and mobs instead of ciizens of our country. The more saturated we become, as law of diminishing returns says, the less we, to participate.
: :
There is so much “in our face,” all at once, forcing us to give immediate importance to minor events or lose . We blink and stress out. And sometimes suffer over what we are persuaded to choose, when deep down we aren’t all that interested. We let ourselves be coerced out of habit. No decision is not a choice, but a personal stalemate. We don’t know what is actually going on, because our media over-personalize the limited choices we think are out there, from what is cheap and easy to produce on-air. Common sense should have some say about all this. We know grayscaling will continue because it is our revolt over what we are told. What we are e-told isn't “the way it is.” And in the legal fashion of our times, the courts take on the high profile cases to prosper and to prove they are a functional authority.
: :
Leading up to the future disputes of CinC, the most notable event of grayscaling is The Da Vinci Code lawsuit. Most agree it should never have gone to court. It is analogous to the CIA suing James Bond over Felix Lighter. Millennia-held secular and sacred ideas could have become someone’s property. There may still be the potential to make justiciable issues between belief and fiction. Patent disputes over God could also arise. What would Mary Magdelene do?
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Luckily, Justice Peter Smith didn’t go there! The court found, with prejudice, that similitude is not copycatting. There is only speculation about the relationship between Mary Magdelene and Jesus, yet she has been maligned throughout history for following him. It is the original sexism. No one knows except what the gospel and other historical documents merely mention.So the modern case was not about accuracy or a centuries old smear. Though Mary was a business whiz who financed Jesus for three years, and it was Pope Boniface that labeled her a 'ho.": :Yet those aside doubts has raised the discussion out of court; of the place of women and sex in religion. We may have arrived here after waning weary arguments and unresolved issues of the church sex scandals. Mary was not defended well, and never had to defend herself while alive.And as she is actualy mentioned in the gospels, I am confident her role or association with Jesus was not seen as improper in some way.
: :
In a nutshell, the Dan Brown case shows the extent that money rules mass media. These plaintiffs were allowed to use any legal means necessary. They wanted to get their destined share of the biggest grossing film in history. Instead they lost their meager fortunes, and were tried in the media, as notorious outlaws, under the mob rule of popular culture.
: :
There is more thought-provoking fallout from this case. Since The Da Vinci Code is a sequel, the Tomb Raider people could also sue Mr. Brown for the Illuminati in his first book, Angels and Demons (it’s a better read). He, again, thieves his own architecture in it. Maybe they’ll change their minds when another lucrative movie deal with Columbia Pictures is reached. Apparently, the controversies will increase for both books.
: :
More ridiculous jurisprudence is pending for the Dick Tracy sequel . It is being litigated for an option already signed for. Please name me one comic book hero that was only in one movie, never remade or sequelized? Mission Impossible III, now considered a flop, broke the mystical $100 million mark in one week, a goal only about 100 movies has broken through. Someone may have to compensate for those missing $50 million dollars more it was expected to make. Superman Returns has come back as a memorial emphasizing its urban legends where it should be a celebration.: :Modernizing the characters only makes us long for the good old versions. The fictions are being re-fictionalized to compete somehow with reality. Sylvester Stallone, the famed creator of sequelitis, from the Rocky and Rambo films, once pontificated that every time you try to raise your head above the crowd, someone will try to lop it off. He is likely to be beheaded by public opinion before Rocky VI gets made. In a rush to judgement, one bad decision usually begets another. These are reminders of what men once were and are not. And of how insignificant the roles women take on are.
: :
The Beatles are appealing their Apple trademark infringement case. Apple Computers had no Itunes or Ipods when their agreement was signed? The lower court has ruled that the Apple doesn’t stand for music. Apple Computers is at the forefront of digitally retooling the entire music industry. Ipod is the new industry standard. Any Ipod commercials are unforggetably musical. The Itunes store has "tunes" in the name, and adding movies and videos hasn't changed this. Both parties have good ideas. Suing each other makes them both look bad, even though the music and film industries have a long history of such disputes. Mass media follows their forays into digital litigation. We never hear about women in these types of situations. Although, no parties here have sold unique concepts.
: :
Non Bon-cases pay for the conversion of the courts into digital, paperless forums. The courts will become an extension and expansion of mass media that are accountable only for their processes, not the content, nor effect of their cases. This merger of digital structures on traditionally analog communities will draw its own baseline of exclusion. In our denial of reality, which started with the Supreme Court gutting 4th amendment rights. The convenience of bits and byte simplicity will rule. Who’s next? It is a black or white, on or off matter? We are all insignificant now.
: :
Corporate media bullies waste much time and expense to persuade you that you have no individuality without them. The wonder and infinite possibilities of the world are revealed in your media choices, only through your pocketbook. They have invaded our cultures to impose their own legal fictions. They mimic reality to manipulate us.
: :
The Da Vinci case has caused ideas we hold dear to possibly become intangible personal property--we can buy their version or be sued for plagiarizing. Just ask the viewers what they think--just this once! Media managers are not making audience savvy decisions without their millions made off it, either from the audiences or from court, or could find someone who didn't meet their expectations to blame. Oh, It would never be their fault for their own miscalculations! Our mortality, success and survival have been made to depend on personal consumerism; as an addictive right of passage in consecutive short—term spurts, confusing our steadily longer--term lives.
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Our childhood ideals are overexposed moments of changing technology. These wasted, and passing, isolated emotions, further shred our sense of self, only to become outlet of humongous points-of-sale. Entertainment is highly repetitive without purpose. Its results are inconclusive, and therefore unastonishing, adding boredom to stress and panic, because it is so easily recognizable. Perhaps we gleaned this from the Da Vinci Code; even through the legal battles. That we have grayscaled that we can still make a difference somewhere.
: :
Grayscaling will increase as people change to want more than stupid and thrilling. The saturation and overexposure will be as ignored as jury duty or the vote. We want others to take on the burden, it is pent up in all of us because what we are shown is static and unchanging--we will join whoever takes it on, even when they make false promises. It is the sneaky revenge of the people, who have tended to do the opposite of both the critics and the programmers, of not what they predict will be based on their calculated influence.
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My oldest and fondest memories are from television. They revolve around the notion that the world can be made a better place to live for all of us, that mass media is the light of truth that shines on both the facts of our experiences and the possibilities of what life can be. It is too easy an excuse to blame mass media for for our procrastination, our not living our lives to the fullest because of mass media bombardment. Unfortunately, and habitually, I still expect to view our best selves. Mrs. Peel from the sixties shows The Avengers was always “needed.” It became a duty for most of us to find a way to be needed. And our current denial, as a people, is that after all these years, we have not done our best. When is it too late to be those leaders we know we should be?
: :
The networks competed to invite controversy and debate by hiring mavericks from all walks of life. People who were different, who were unafraid to explore and talk about any event they encountered-as a common ground for all of us. My generation wanted to grow up to be decent and good adults, we were raised this way by our parents, grandparents, and media babysitters; it was our job as children to grow up to be productive adults. Back then, we found change easy and actually sought change in our lives; change was a positive thing.
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These days, change from the status quo is viewed negatively. It is the status quo that is harmful. Grayscaling will evolve into more than minor numbers of people, counted and identified, therefore known and targeted, for their good ideas, to be expelled from a minority based society that has imposed their will on us all. Today feels more like “pay up or get out of the way.” We have been misled and coerced to search longer and deeper into new formats and software to find quality: to the corporate joy of those who want to control our choices.
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We are incorrectly thought of and reported as one voice, from a past voice that used to be in a unison that hasn’t existed in a long while. Much to mass media’s dismay, hatred and violence are not unifying forces. We defer and agree to disagree, but we should not have one voice as a culture. We should all sing the American Anthem in every language that has ever existed. We should accept our many voices. There is much that can unify us that is not heard. The grayscale hums their failed overexposures to bring us together.
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On TV, last season, there were many female leads and roles to choose from: World News Tonight, Commander-in-Chief, Gilmore Girls, Reba, Veronica Mars, The Closer (the only show, on cable, not in danger of cancellation), and Alias. But, the same illogical sexism that stemmed from the The Da Vinci Code case has led ABC to transform at least one good idea into many bad ones. And for CBS to overhype Katie Couric as the first female anchor. To stumble just when it could have made a significant change to all generations, and shake the staus quo into inspired participation that would open the floodgates of fearless discussion. They will not likely change their reactionary format, or attitude towards women. One can only wish her well.
: :
We have a tri-hundred year tradition of being a multi-dimensional, multi-facted culture whose dissents have changed the world for the better. These are anti-climactic issues of debate. Had Katie pioneered news in some way, or been first at something, or if there weren't so many other "trusted" news sources outside of tv, or no Oprah, maybe her achievement would be more empowering. Conceptual trust is as overposed as the graphics and faces of its claimers.
: :
Mary's label is held high to modern women with a highly public persona. The reality is no one is above reproach. CBS has untihinkingly and ham handedly dissed women. She won't be credited for upping the news ratings, either, in a format that has long been out of touch and uninformative. I guess it's okay as long as CBS makes a profit.
: :
The grayscale hums its deepest from the Da Vinci Code dichotomy, of fictional possibilities of a sainted mythical figures and the reality of a solo woman president. Women in both these roles are a strength and phenomenon, recognized and appreciated, it seems, by everyone except its home network. The quality of both stories are equally effective, seemingly interchangeable definitions of women's roles, although these impression counter what we think should be happening.
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At ABC news, Elizabeth Vargas is the first pregnant and solo network news anchor, albeit due to Bob Woodruff’s injury, on World News Tonight. She had an embarrassing second billing in his absence, while competently filling that late Peter Jennings’s shoes. She creditied with falling to third place in the ratings. The ratings fell because of this treatment, not because she anchored an amazingliy innovative stress free and otherwise highly watchable broadcast. Typically, ABC didn't defend her, even in the name of competition against CBS. Being replaced by Charles Gibson (like Regis, on medication for a heart attack) prior to taking maternity leave gives another black eye to women. It was another giant step backward when the news format remains indelibly the same to a widely changed audience.
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Perhaps it saved ABC from her rights to family leave. Perhaps while she goes on maternity leave ABC will be the first network to finally do hour long news in primetime (in 3-D, please!) it would more profit than any reality show and regain the credibility news should have strived for. This has been talked about this for years and been consciously avoided by network executives.
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From the ficticious side, Commander-in-Chief has a big “cult” following. People talk about it in grocery stores and libraries, students and teachers revel in the possibility of a female president. And even more so in the fact that she is an independent, as most moderates, non-voting, and in both parties, are thrilled. Not having an admirable candidate to vote for, we all revel in the possibility of one we would like to vote for. Most would vote for a male like candidate like Mac. She actually wants to serve and do the right by her citizenry.
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Ironically, CinC is reportedly to be replaced by another yet another incarnation of the Primetime newsmagazine, more intersections of fiction and reality? For next season, though, Primetime has been relegated to news specials to make room for ABC’s Fall formulaic lineup. It appears the demographic market has soured for both news and drama. This may be another misstep for Disney, which has had more than its share of ongoing dyspeptic court disputes. Cinc is rumored to become a made for tv special, to appease our disappointment of them.
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A disappointed public should voice their outrage; they should be listened to and respected. It does exist out there. A balance of intelligent vs. stupid television should be sought after and protected. All the networks could better society, treat females better. There is a glut of cancellations that will minimize women's presence on the air; and ignored this result to make ready for the next media assault. Fiction sells, and reality is ignored; the two manage to glean a profit from this merger.
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Who we are and what we want to be has been reflected through a tradition of good television. CinC has perpetuated those childhood ideals we think lost, and by staying on the air will keep a devoted audience in tow, to help define what we stand for today, despite network poo-poo-ings. Doing what is right and decent is the ultimate, and cheapest marketing tool and can just as easily add another zero to corporate balance sheets.
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Television can regain its leadership role and revive mass media’s greatest strength: showing the possibilities out there, of what we can (and should) accomplish: to be as fair-minded, and independent, as this fictional American President or as actual female news anchors? We can only gaze mystified as President Allen steps away, Ms. Vargas steps down, and Ms. Couric leads the charge into obsolescence. I expect them to write a book about all they have witnessed!
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We hold ourselves down until the feeling passes, as we are trained, knowing there is something missing, and something deeply wrong with all this. We know we can be and do better than this! We have become all of the same repetitive opinions online. An unread majority of leaders whom no one wants to listen to. We are mesmerized by our own personified one-sided media bombardment. Absorbed into communal stereotypes, against any opinion less than our own.
We all silently suffer from marketing labels and pictures. So far, men have more easily shrugged these pressures off, keeping the focus on women. Of nuns, bimbos, divas, whores, and bitches. It is the pink cross we are forced to carry, as one-half of all people. Together, in rebellion, we ignore what can’t face up to as a culture. As have become the first grayscaled generation, and without active solution. In the steps of the Da Vinci Code forays, Cinc follows, with amazingly similar result. The addage is whatever works is copied, despite the consequences to common sense. And despite the crises to our conscience. We are only left to mull and ponder: what would Mac do?
-Cameron, (Terence Howard), from Crash
: :
In the ABC show Commander-in-Chief, President Mackenzie Allen (a disarmingly serious and believable Geena Davis) sits across from her nominee for attorney general, who is under fire and attempting to resign from the nomination process. He is almost broken by the attacks on his family and media saturation of a single case making him look weak on crime. She says “Welcome to my life.” He decides to stay despite the rife antagonism, and is later confirmed. She won by recruiting a primary opponent to run the treasury, instead of probably unseating, the swing-voting incumbent.
: :
Our independent Executive barely succeeds, only to abate one political crisis after another, life imitates art imitates life on this show. Academy award winner Geena Davis has rookie Golden Globe award for best actress as Mac. CinC has also won EPIC, Inspiration, and Matrix awards, and appears to be still wining them. Numerous nominations make her eligible for next year's accolades, too. Behind the scenes turmoil has been equally as fierce.
: :
ABC has tried to downgrading its potential, by pulling Commander-in-Chief (CinC) from its lineup. It is a bad decision culminating from the basically good idea of this show. Awards are sign of mainstream impact. Winners used to be over--hyped selling points for a show!
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But this has only increased controversy. What better symbol of presence and potential than a woman President? What worse embarrassment than to cancel this show?? Sexy, popular, and attractive to those registered voters who want cast their vote in good conscious, CinC is a show of hopeful service to all Americans, of what the majority moderates want in a leader: neither a Clinton nor Bush be. It is embarassing we have not voted for the best leadership, and that other things distract us from bettering ourselves and the lives of thse we love.
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: :
By no means the only good idea gone bad in the white hot heat, CinC, has strung in stealth, in grayscale, a line of voice between reality and fantasy, a critical path of effects that have defied actual ratings to reach a globally appreciative audience. From its phenomenal harmonic start, the zeitgeist of Cinc is still hums from its 15 seconds of fame. This "grayscaling" is due from overexposure in the media, a black and white marketing too creating its "event," which hasn't faded, is not covered anymore, yet is still there. It has been "grayscaled," lesser, but constant level in the public psyche that still discuss despite media coverage. We don't want it to go away!: :
The rareness of original thought, of truth, and even greatness, makes content almost irrelevant in our computerized formulaic structures of process. Entertainment money trees, made from digital files must fight for audience and exposure to grow. They are gone if they don't grow. Zero sum gains have been thrown to the wayside for pointlessness. What we like and want to watch becomes more complex and expensive. However, with many substitutes freely available on the web, we have fragmented into gangs and mobs instead of ciizens of our country. The more saturated we become, as law of diminishing returns says, the less we, to participate.
: :
There is so much “in our face,” all at once, forcing us to give immediate importance to minor events or lose . We blink and stress out. And sometimes suffer over what we are persuaded to choose, when deep down we aren’t all that interested. We let ourselves be coerced out of habit. No decision is not a choice, but a personal stalemate. We don’t know what is actually going on, because our media over-personalize the limited choices we think are out there, from what is cheap and easy to produce on-air. Common sense should have some say about all this. We know grayscaling will continue because it is our revolt over what we are told. What we are e-told isn't “the way it is.” And in the legal fashion of our times, the courts take on the high profile cases to prosper and to prove they are a functional authority.
: :
Leading up to the future disputes of CinC, the most notable event of grayscaling is The Da Vinci Code lawsuit. Most agree it should never have gone to court. It is analogous to the CIA suing James Bond over Felix Lighter. Millennia-held secular and sacred ideas could have become someone’s property. There may still be the potential to make justiciable issues between belief and fiction. Patent disputes over God could also arise. What would Mary Magdelene do?
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Luckily, Justice Peter Smith didn’t go there! The court found, with prejudice, that similitude is not copycatting. There is only speculation about the relationship between Mary Magdelene and Jesus, yet she has been maligned throughout history for following him. It is the original sexism. No one knows except what the gospel and other historical documents merely mention.So the modern case was not about accuracy or a centuries old smear. Though Mary was a business whiz who financed Jesus for three years, and it was Pope Boniface that labeled her a 'ho.": :Yet those aside doubts has raised the discussion out of court; of the place of women and sex in religion. We may have arrived here after waning weary arguments and unresolved issues of the church sex scandals. Mary was not defended well, and never had to defend herself while alive.And as she is actualy mentioned in the gospels, I am confident her role or association with Jesus was not seen as improper in some way.
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In a nutshell, the Dan Brown case shows the extent that money rules mass media. These plaintiffs were allowed to use any legal means necessary. They wanted to get their destined share of the biggest grossing film in history. Instead they lost their meager fortunes, and were tried in the media, as notorious outlaws, under the mob rule of popular culture.
: :
There is more thought-provoking fallout from this case. Since The Da Vinci Code is a sequel, the Tomb Raider people could also sue Mr. Brown for the Illuminati in his first book, Angels and Demons (it’s a better read). He, again, thieves his own architecture in it. Maybe they’ll change their minds when another lucrative movie deal with Columbia Pictures is reached. Apparently, the controversies will increase for both books.
: :
More ridiculous jurisprudence is pending for the Dick Tracy sequel . It is being litigated for an option already signed for. Please name me one comic book hero that was only in one movie, never remade or sequelized? Mission Impossible III, now considered a flop, broke the mystical $100 million mark in one week, a goal only about 100 movies has broken through. Someone may have to compensate for those missing $50 million dollars more it was expected to make. Superman Returns has come back as a memorial emphasizing its urban legends where it should be a celebration.: :Modernizing the characters only makes us long for the good old versions. The fictions are being re-fictionalized to compete somehow with reality. Sylvester Stallone, the famed creator of sequelitis, from the Rocky and Rambo films, once pontificated that every time you try to raise your head above the crowd, someone will try to lop it off. He is likely to be beheaded by public opinion before Rocky VI gets made. In a rush to judgement, one bad decision usually begets another. These are reminders of what men once were and are not. And of how insignificant the roles women take on are.
: :
The Beatles are appealing their Apple trademark infringement case. Apple Computers had no Itunes or Ipods when their agreement was signed? The lower court has ruled that the Apple doesn’t stand for music. Apple Computers is at the forefront of digitally retooling the entire music industry. Ipod is the new industry standard. Any Ipod commercials are unforggetably musical. The Itunes store has "tunes" in the name, and adding movies and videos hasn't changed this. Both parties have good ideas. Suing each other makes them both look bad, even though the music and film industries have a long history of such disputes. Mass media follows their forays into digital litigation. We never hear about women in these types of situations. Although, no parties here have sold unique concepts.
: :
Non Bon-cases pay for the conversion of the courts into digital, paperless forums. The courts will become an extension and expansion of mass media that are accountable only for their processes, not the content, nor effect of their cases. This merger of digital structures on traditionally analog communities will draw its own baseline of exclusion. In our denial of reality, which started with the Supreme Court gutting 4th amendment rights. The convenience of bits and byte simplicity will rule. Who’s next? It is a black or white, on or off matter? We are all insignificant now.
: :
Corporate media bullies waste much time and expense to persuade you that you have no individuality without them. The wonder and infinite possibilities of the world are revealed in your media choices, only through your pocketbook. They have invaded our cultures to impose their own legal fictions. They mimic reality to manipulate us.
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The Da Vinci case has caused ideas we hold dear to possibly become intangible personal property--we can buy their version or be sued for plagiarizing. Just ask the viewers what they think--just this once! Media managers are not making audience savvy decisions without their millions made off it, either from the audiences or from court, or could find someone who didn't meet their expectations to blame. Oh, It would never be their fault for their own miscalculations! Our mortality, success and survival have been made to depend on personal consumerism; as an addictive right of passage in consecutive short—term spurts, confusing our steadily longer--term lives.
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Our childhood ideals are overexposed moments of changing technology. These wasted, and passing, isolated emotions, further shred our sense of self, only to become outlet of humongous points-of-sale. Entertainment is highly repetitive without purpose. Its results are inconclusive, and therefore unastonishing, adding boredom to stress and panic, because it is so easily recognizable. Perhaps we gleaned this from the Da Vinci Code; even through the legal battles. That we have grayscaled that we can still make a difference somewhere.
: :
Grayscaling will increase as people change to want more than stupid and thrilling. The saturation and overexposure will be as ignored as jury duty or the vote. We want others to take on the burden, it is pent up in all of us because what we are shown is static and unchanging--we will join whoever takes it on, even when they make false promises. It is the sneaky revenge of the people, who have tended to do the opposite of both the critics and the programmers, of not what they predict will be based on their calculated influence.
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My oldest and fondest memories are from television. They revolve around the notion that the world can be made a better place to live for all of us, that mass media is the light of truth that shines on both the facts of our experiences and the possibilities of what life can be. It is too easy an excuse to blame mass media for for our procrastination, our not living our lives to the fullest because of mass media bombardment. Unfortunately, and habitually, I still expect to view our best selves. Mrs. Peel from the sixties shows The Avengers was always “needed.” It became a duty for most of us to find a way to be needed. And our current denial, as a people, is that after all these years, we have not done our best. When is it too late to be those leaders we know we should be?
: :
The networks competed to invite controversy and debate by hiring mavericks from all walks of life. People who were different, who were unafraid to explore and talk about any event they encountered-as a common ground for all of us. My generation wanted to grow up to be decent and good adults, we were raised this way by our parents, grandparents, and media babysitters; it was our job as children to grow up to be productive adults. Back then, we found change easy and actually sought change in our lives; change was a positive thing.
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These days, change from the status quo is viewed negatively. It is the status quo that is harmful. Grayscaling will evolve into more than minor numbers of people, counted and identified, therefore known and targeted, for their good ideas, to be expelled from a minority based society that has imposed their will on us all. Today feels more like “pay up or get out of the way.” We have been misled and coerced to search longer and deeper into new formats and software to find quality: to the corporate joy of those who want to control our choices.
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We are incorrectly thought of and reported as one voice, from a past voice that used to be in a unison that hasn’t existed in a long while. Much to mass media’s dismay, hatred and violence are not unifying forces. We defer and agree to disagree, but we should not have one voice as a culture. We should all sing the American Anthem in every language that has ever existed. We should accept our many voices. There is much that can unify us that is not heard. The grayscale hums their failed overexposures to bring us together.
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: :
On TV, last season, there were many female leads and roles to choose from: World News Tonight, Commander-in-Chief, Gilmore Girls, Reba, Veronica Mars, The Closer (the only show, on cable, not in danger of cancellation), and Alias. But, the same illogical sexism that stemmed from the The Da Vinci Code case has led ABC to transform at least one good idea into many bad ones. And for CBS to overhype Katie Couric as the first female anchor. To stumble just when it could have made a significant change to all generations, and shake the staus quo into inspired participation that would open the floodgates of fearless discussion. They will not likely change their reactionary format, or attitude towards women. One can only wish her well.
: :
We have a tri-hundred year tradition of being a multi-dimensional, multi-facted culture whose dissents have changed the world for the better. These are anti-climactic issues of debate. Had Katie pioneered news in some way, or been first at something, or if there weren't so many other "trusted" news sources outside of tv, or no Oprah, maybe her achievement would be more empowering. Conceptual trust is as overposed as the graphics and faces of its claimers.
: :
Mary's label is held high to modern women with a highly public persona. The reality is no one is above reproach. CBS has untihinkingly and ham handedly dissed women. She won't be credited for upping the news ratings, either, in a format that has long been out of touch and uninformative. I guess it's okay as long as CBS makes a profit.
: :
The grayscale hums its deepest from the Da Vinci Code dichotomy, of fictional possibilities of a sainted mythical figures and the reality of a solo woman president. Women in both these roles are a strength and phenomenon, recognized and appreciated, it seems, by everyone except its home network. The quality of both stories are equally effective, seemingly interchangeable definitions of women's roles, although these impression counter what we think should be happening.
: :
At ABC news, Elizabeth Vargas is the first pregnant and solo network news anchor, albeit due to Bob Woodruff’s injury, on World News Tonight. She had an embarrassing second billing in his absence, while competently filling that late Peter Jennings’s shoes. She creditied with falling to third place in the ratings. The ratings fell because of this treatment, not because she anchored an amazingliy innovative stress free and otherwise highly watchable broadcast. Typically, ABC didn't defend her, even in the name of competition against CBS. Being replaced by Charles Gibson (like Regis, on medication for a heart attack) prior to taking maternity leave gives another black eye to women. It was another giant step backward when the news format remains indelibly the same to a widely changed audience.
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Perhaps it saved ABC from her rights to family leave. Perhaps while she goes on maternity leave ABC will be the first network to finally do hour long news in primetime (in 3-D, please!) it would more profit than any reality show and regain the credibility news should have strived for. This has been talked about this for years and been consciously avoided by network executives.
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From the ficticious side, Commander-in-Chief has a big “cult” following. People talk about it in grocery stores and libraries, students and teachers revel in the possibility of a female president. And even more so in the fact that she is an independent, as most moderates, non-voting, and in both parties, are thrilled. Not having an admirable candidate to vote for, we all revel in the possibility of one we would like to vote for. Most would vote for a male like candidate like Mac. She actually wants to serve and do the right by her citizenry.
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Ironically, CinC is reportedly to be replaced by another yet another incarnation of the Primetime newsmagazine, more intersections of fiction and reality? For next season, though, Primetime has been relegated to news specials to make room for ABC’s Fall formulaic lineup. It appears the demographic market has soured for both news and drama. This may be another misstep for Disney, which has had more than its share of ongoing dyspeptic court disputes. Cinc is rumored to become a made for tv special, to appease our disappointment of them.
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A disappointed public should voice their outrage; they should be listened to and respected. It does exist out there. A balance of intelligent vs. stupid television should be sought after and protected. All the networks could better society, treat females better. There is a glut of cancellations that will minimize women's presence on the air; and ignored this result to make ready for the next media assault. Fiction sells, and reality is ignored; the two manage to glean a profit from this merger.
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Who we are and what we want to be has been reflected through a tradition of good television. CinC has perpetuated those childhood ideals we think lost, and by staying on the air will keep a devoted audience in tow, to help define what we stand for today, despite network poo-poo-ings. Doing what is right and decent is the ultimate, and cheapest marketing tool and can just as easily add another zero to corporate balance sheets.
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Television can regain its leadership role and revive mass media’s greatest strength: showing the possibilities out there, of what we can (and should) accomplish: to be as fair-minded, and independent, as this fictional American President or as actual female news anchors? We can only gaze mystified as President Allen steps away, Ms. Vargas steps down, and Ms. Couric leads the charge into obsolescence. I expect them to write a book about all they have witnessed!
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We hold ourselves down until the feeling passes, as we are trained, knowing there is something missing, and something deeply wrong with all this. We know we can be and do better than this! We have become all of the same repetitive opinions online. An unread majority of leaders whom no one wants to listen to. We are mesmerized by our own personified one-sided media bombardment. Absorbed into communal stereotypes, against any opinion less than our own.
We all silently suffer from marketing labels and pictures. So far, men have more easily shrugged these pressures off, keeping the focus on women. Of nuns, bimbos, divas, whores, and bitches. It is the pink cross we are forced to carry, as one-half of all people. Together, in rebellion, we ignore what can’t face up to as a culture. As have become the first grayscaled generation, and without active solution. In the steps of the Da Vinci Code forays, Cinc follows, with amazingly similar result. The addage is whatever works is copied, despite the consequences to common sense. And despite the crises to our conscience. We are only left to mull and ponder: what would Mac do?